Kizrva: Two Times Stardust Heroine - fejkllem telivreknek, mozaik kategriba ill kp
Lynxx - angol telivr kanca kllem, ugyanaz a kp, mint a telivr kllemnl
sszeszeretnm gyjteni a lovaim leszrmazottjait, azrt nem csak kirtam gportlosok csoportjba, hogy mindenki szeressen, amirt sok kategris versenyt csinlok. Mivel annyira azrt nem vagyok mazo, hogy minden felttel nlkl tegyem, ezrt csak ma JFLIG (04.25. 00:00) lehet nevezni. Happy Endingnek jelenleg 32 kpe van az adatlapjn, gy 32 kategriban tudtok nevezni.
Angol telivr kllem
1. hely: Last Crown Prince, Not Your Candyman, Sweet Gris Boy, Achilles's Weak Point, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Unique Damsel, Sweet Mary, Last Legend, Apocalypse Orchidea, Nominis Brevis, Xaohroa, Call me Senorita, Russian Girl, Legendary Comet, Starresha, Symphony of the Seas, Brightest Star, Dante's Inferno, Devil's Fire, Sleipnir,
2.hely: Yes M'Lady?, The Mad King, Achilles's Shining Point, Achilles's Women, Speed Heart, The Queen's Daughter, Last Dose, Lord Hiddleston, Bahamian Destiny, Born in Hurricane, Lynxx,
3.hely: Honor the Ancestors, You Rang M'lord?, Deo Volente, Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, Lord of Hell, The Mad King's Daughter, Diabolus Damsel, Jenny of Oldstones, Cries from Below, Night Russian Angel, Cherry Wine, Secret Illusion, Succor teh Devil,
Kanca kllem
1.hely: Achilles's Women, Sweet Mary, The Queen's Daughter, Jenny of Oldstones, Cries from Below, Night Russian Angel,
2.hely: The Mad King's Daughter, Nominis Brevis, Last Dose, Call me Senorita, Lynxx,
3.hely: Unique Damsel, Xaohroa, Secret Illusion,
Angol telivr kanca kllem
1.hely: Jenny of Oldstones, Night Russian Angel,
2.hely: Achilles's Women, Sweet Mary, The Queen's Daughter, Xaohroa, Last Dose, Cries from Below, Legendary Comet,
3.hely: Unique Damsel, The Mad King's Daughter,
Szrke angol telivr kanca kllem
1.hely: Jenny of Oldstones,
3.hely: Nominis Brevis, Last Dose,
Felvezets kllem
1.hely: You Rang M'lord?, Unique Damsel, Whitelock, Diabolus Damsel, Jenny of Oldstones, Russian Girl, Brightest Star, Lynxx, Sleipnir,
2.hely: Mascot Lantern Light, Last Dose, Two Times London,
3.hely: Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, The Mad King, Achilles's Shining Point, Speed Heart, Last Legend, Lord of Hell, Starresha, Symphony of the Seas,
Nyerges kllem
1.hely: Diabolus Damsel, Starresha, Symphony of the Seas,
2.hely: Sweet Mary, Deo Volente, Lord of Hell, Jenny of Oldstones, Lynxx,
3.hely: The Mad King, Unique Damsel, Speed Heart,
Lovassal felvezets
1. hely: Honor the Ancestors, Achilles's Weak Point, Dynoro Dragon, Diabolus Damsel, Russian Girl, Legendary Comet, Symphony of the Seas, Succor teh Devil, Sleipnir,
2.hely: You Rang M'lord?, Last Legend, Deo Volente, Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, Last Dose,
3.hely: The Mad King, Achilles's Shining Point, Sweet Mary, Speed Heart, Jenny of Oldstones, Starresha, Lynxx, Devil's Fire,
Vicces kpek
1. hely: Not Your Candyman, Achilles's Weak Point, Unique Damsel, Nominis Brevis, Lord Hiddleston, Cherry Wine,
2.hely: Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Sweet Mary, Xaohroa, Cries from Below,
3.hely: Last Legend, Mascot Lantern Light, Diabolus Damsel, Jenny of Oldstones, Starresha, Symphony of the Seas, Brightest Star, Succor teh Devil,
Im a winner
1. hely: Unique Damsel, Mascot Lantern Light, Lord of Hell,
2.hely: Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, You Rang M'lord?,
3.hely: Achilles's Weak Point, Xaohroa, Lynxx,
1. hely: Not Your Candyman, Sweet Gris Boy, The Mad King, Unique Damsel, Mascot Lantern Light, Apocalypse Orchidea, Lord of Hell, Jenny of Oldstones, Nominis Brevis, Xaohroa, Call me Senorita, Lord Hiddleston, Cherry Wine, Two Times London, Legendary Comet, Starresha, Secret Illusion, Two Times Stardust Heroine, Dante's Inferno, Lynxx, Sleipnir,
2.hely: Honor the Ancestors, Yes M'Lady?, Last Crown Prince, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Sweet Mary, Speed Heart, Whitelock, Night Russian Angel, Warrior Queen, Masked Prince, The Queen's Daughter, Last Dose, Lord Hiddleston, Bahamian Destiny, Succor teh Devil,
3.hely: Achilles's Weak Point, Dynoro Dragon, You Rang M'lord?, Achilles's Shining Point, Last Legend, Deo Volente, The Mad King's Daughter, Diabolus Damsel, Last Dose, Cries from Below, Russian Girl, Symphony of the Seas, Brightest Star, Bahamian Destiny, Devil's Fire,
Fejkllem szrkknek
1.hely: Last Legend, Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, Jenny of Oldstones, Last Crown Prince, Devil's Fire,
3.hely: Sleipnir,
Fejkllem szrke telivreknek
1.hely: Whitelock, Sleipnir,
2.hely: Last Legend, Russian Girl,
3.hely: Mascot Lantern Light, Night Russian Angel,
Fejkllem kancknak
1.hely: Unique Damsel, Diabolus Damsel, Legendary Comet, Lynxx,
2.hely: Jenny of Oldstones, Xaohroa, Russian Girl,
3.hely: Sweet Mary, Speed Heart, Deo Volente, Last Dose, Night Russian Angel,
Fejkllem telivreknek
1. hely: Yes M'Lady?, Last Crown Prince, Sweet Gris Boy, Achilles's Weak Point, The Mad King, Unique Damsel, Speed Heart, Last Legend, Whitelock, Jenny of Oldstones, Xaohroa, Last Dose, Night Russian Angel, Cherry Wine, The Queen's Daughter, Last Dose, Lord Hiddleston, Bahamian Destiny, Dante's Inferno, Sleipnir,
2.hely: Honor the Ancestors, Dynoro Dragon, You Rang M'lord?, Deo Volente, Mascot Lantern Light, Diabolus Damsel, Lord Hiddleston, Legendary Comet, Starresha, Masked Prince, Symphony of the Seas, Bahamian Destiny, Lynxx, Devil's Fire,
3.hely: Not Your Candyman, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Achilles's Shining Point, Sweet Mary, Lord of Hell, Warrior Queen, Secret Illusion, Brightest Star, Succor teh Devil,
Fejkllem szrke telivr kancknak
1. hely: Last Dose,
2.hely: Night Russian Angel,
1. hely: Honor the Ancestors, Last Crown Prince, Sweet Gris Boy, Unique Damsel, Speed Heart, Mascot Lantern Light, Sleipnir,
2.hely: Dynoro Dragon, Last Legend, Xaohroa,
3.hely: You Rang M'lord?, Diabolus Damsel, Jenny of Oldstones, Lynxx,
1. hely: Honor the Ancestors, Last Crown Prince, Starresha,
3.hely: Dynoro Dragon, Devil's Fire,
Sprint szrkknek
1. hely: Last Dose, Devil's Fire,
3.hely: Last Crown Prince,
Galopp prban
1. hely: Achilles's Weak Point, Unique Damsel, Xaohroa, Lord Hiddleston, Warrior Queen, The Queen's Daughter, Last Dose, Lord Hiddleston, Bahamian Destiny,
2.hely: The Mad King, You Rang M'lord?, Last Legend, Whitelock, Lord of Hell, Jenny of Oldstones, Night Russian Angel, Russian Girl, Legendary Comet, Sleipnir,
3.hely: Honor the Ancestors, Achilles's Shining Point, Sweet Mary, Speed Heart, Diabolus Damsel, Last Dose, Masked Prince, Lynxx,
Edzs kpekkel galopp
1. hely: Last Crown Prince, Achilles's Weak Point, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, You Rang M'lord?, Unique Damsel, Deo Volente, Whitelock, Diabolus Damsel, Jenny of Oldstones, Lord Hiddleston, Two Times Stardust Heroine, Succor teh Devil, Lynxx, Sleipnir,
2.hely: Achilles's Shining Point, Last Legend, Mascot Lantern Light, Russian Girl, Legendary Comet, Bahamian Destiny, Devil's Fire,
3.hely: Honor the Ancestors, The Mad King, Sweet Mary, Xaohroa, Last Dose, Cherry Wine, Warrior Queen, Starresha, Secret Illusion, Masked Prince, Symphony of the Seas, Brightest Star, The Queen's Daughter, Last Dose, Lord Hiddleston, Bahamian Destiny,
Versenyes kpekkel galopp
1. hely: Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, You Rang M'lord?, Sweet Mary, Last Legend, Mascot Lantern Light, Lord of Hell, Last Dose, Night Russian Angel, Dante's Inferno, Sleipnir,
2.hely: Achilles's Weak Point, The Mad King, Achilles's Shining Point, Unique Damsel, Speed Heart, Deo Volente, Whitelock, Xaohroa, Two Times London, Starresha,
3.hely: Honor the Ancestors, Last Crown Prince, Diabolus Damsel, Jenny of Oldstones, Lord Hiddleston, Russian Girl, Two Times Stardust Heroine, Brightest Star, The Queen's Daughter, Last Dose, Lord Hiddleston, Bahamian Destiny, Lynxx, Devil's Fire,
Edzs kpekkel sprint
1. hely: Honor the Ancestors, Last Crown Prince,
2.hely: Devil's Fire,
Sprint kancknak
2.hely: Starresha,
3.hely: Last Dose,
Sprint szrke kancknak
2.hely: Last Dose,
Versenyes kpekkel sprint
1. hely:
2.hely: Devil's Fire,
3.hely: Honor the Ancestors, Last Crown Prince, Dynoro Dragon,
Galopp plyn nem galoppos
1. hely: Dynoro Dragon, Deo Volente, Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, Warrior Queen, Symphony of the Seas,
2.hely: Honor the Ancestors, Jenny of Oldstones, Last Dose, Two Times Stardust Heroine, Devil's Fire, Sleipnir,
3.hely: Last Crown Prince, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, You Rang M'lord?, Legendary Comet, Lynxx,
Szrkk klleme
1. hely: Whitelock, Last Dose, Sleipnir,
3.hely: Last Crown Prince, Last Legend, Mascot Lantern Light, Devil's Fire,
Szrke kanck klleme
3.hely: Last Dose,
Takars kllem
1. hely: Unique Damsel, Last Legend, Last Dose, Cries from Below,
2.hely: Achilles's Weak Point, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, The Mad King, Speed Heart, Lord of Hell, Diabolus Damsel, Starresha, Lynxx,
3.hely: Last Crown Prince, You Rang M'lord?, Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, Jenny of Oldstones, Brightest Star,