A versenyre kvalifikcit szerzett lovak: Azok akik az I.Idmrn els vagy abszolt gyztes helyet szereztek
Free Style, The Echo's Prisoner, Darth Vader, Jelly Bean, Enchantress Symphony, War Front di Etro, Sandocan, BrainSucker, Angel Hoof, Davinas Dream, Two Times Boston, Last Sleepless Night, Deo Volente, White Chocolate, Ice With Double Whisky, Spry Spy, Night Elves, Scenic Stardust, Genuine Risk, Hard Aces, Shadow of Moonlight, Miss Midly Hot Bitch, Last Damsel Galadriel, Spain Burg, Arnica Gris, Critical Prince, Hard to Face Reality, Van Damme, Lownit, Aaron from the Field, Sweet Monster of Damsels Throne, Hot Espresso y Hermoso, Last Sweet Temptation, Lord of Hel, Heated Paradise, Infinite Radius, Wonderful Blackbriar, Pretty Pollyanna, Speed Comet, Murphys Law la Damsel, Miss Hot Royal Attire, Insta Erma, Scenic Black Demon, Majestic Folly, Waffen Poison, Court Harwell, Moons Lighter Face, Im Done, TC Suerte, Money Machine, Celtic Prince, Santas Sleigh, Wexford Sunrise, Northern Thorn, Gunsn'Roses, King of the Secret Land, Fancy Dress Party, Achilles Weak Point, Ars Nova, Giant Blaster, Miracle at Heavens GateSwift Dancer, Evening Falls, Specator, Hit the Leopold, Deathly Wild Touch, Look at Over, Tizs Laurel Paradise, Buntys Flight, Taras Lost Touch, Silent Killer, Last Kingdom, Angry Armada, Materiality, Devils Advocate, Leonidas the Spartan, How Do You Like Me Now, Kiss the Gun n'Shoot, Tell the Brigades Fortune, Last Escort Lady of Holey, Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, Fleet Street, Primal Duty, Sheeva the Notorius
Nyeregnlkli kllem
1.hely: Last Damsel Galadriel, Court Harwell, Achilles's Weak Point, Night Elves, Insta Erma, Shadow of Moonlight, Swift Dancer, War Front di Etro, Arnica Gris, Van Damme, Santa's Sleigh, Materiality, Two Times Boston, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Guns N' Roses, How Do You Like Me Now, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
2.hely: Waffen Poison, Lord of Hel, Whitelock, White Chocolate, Darth Vader, Jelly Bean, Hard Aces, Speed Comet, Murphy's Law la Damsel, Hit the Leopold, BrainSucker, Critical Prince, Wexford Sunrise, Celtic Prince, Devil's Advocate, Davina's Dream, Aaron from the Field, Hot Espresso Con Panna, Tell the Brigade's Fortune,
3.hely: Enchantress Symphony, Moon's Lighter Face, I'm Done, Deo Volente, Last Sweet Temptation, Mascot Lantern Light, Ice With Double Whisky, Scenic Stardust, Genuine Risk, Pretty Pollyanna, Evening Falls, Deathly Wild Touch, Look at Over, Silent Killer, Last Kingdom, GW Sandocan, Spain Burg, Hard to Face Reality, Angry Armada, Leonidas the Spartan, King of the Secret Land, Fancy Dress Party,
Nyerges kllem
1.hely: Deo Volente, Echo's Prisoner, Scenic Black Demon,
2.hely: Waffen Poison, Lord of Hel, Whitelock, TC Suerte, Aaron from the Field, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
3.hely: Last Sleepless Night, Free Style, Deathly Wild Touch, War Front di Etro, Hard to Face Reality, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Fancy Dress Party, How Do You Like Me Now,
Nyereg alatt
1.hely: Waffen Poison, Moon's Lighter Face, I'm Done, Last Sleepless Night, Last Sweet Temptation, Achilles's Weak Point, Mascot Lantern Light, Jelly Bean, Celtic Prince, Hot Espresso Con Panna, Fancy Dress Party,
2.hely: Last Damsel Galadriel, Enchantress Symphony, Court Harwell, Whitelock, White Chocolate, Miss Hot Royal Attire, Evening Falls, Deathly Wild Touch, GW Sandocan, Van Damme, Davina's Dream, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Guns N' Roses,
3.hely: Deo Volente, Lord of Hel, Darth Vader, Scenic Stardust, Swift Dancer, Spectator, Wexford Sunrise, Santa's Sleigh, Two Times Boston, Aaron from the Field, How Do You Like Me Now, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
1.hely: Last Damsel Galadriel, Court Harwell, I'm Done, Last Sweet Temptation, Achilles's Weak Point, Echo's Prisoner, Darth Vader, Night Elves, Scenic Stardust, Speed Comet, Murphy's Law la Damsel, Insta Erma, Shadow of Moonlight, Deathly Wild Touch, BrainSucker, Arnica Gris, Critical Prince, Hard to Face Reality, Van Damme, Money Machine, Celtic Prince, Materiality, Leonidas the Spartan, Aaron from the Field, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Guns N' Roses, Fancy Dress Party, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
2.hely: Waffen Poison, Last Sleepless Night, Deo Volente, Last Escort Lady of Holey, Genuine Risk, Hard Aces, Scenic Black Demon, Hit the Leopold, Evening Falls, Spectator, Look at Over, Silent Killer, Spain Burg, Wexford Sunrise, Angry Armada, Two Times Boston, Hot Espresso Con Panna, King of the Secret Land, Tell the Brigade's Fortune,
3.hely: Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, White Chocolate, Jelly Bean, Swift Dancer, Santa's Sleigh,
1.hely: Court Harwell, Moon's Lighter Face, I'm Done, Last Sleepless Night, Last Sweet Temptation, Lord of Hel, Last Escort Lady of Holey, Whitelock, Ice With Double Whisky, Free Style, Echo's Prisoner, Scenic Stardust, Genuine Risk, Pretty Pollyanna, Murphy's Law la Damsel, Insta Erma, Scenic Black Demon, Evening Falls, Spain Burg, Critical Prince, Van Damme, Money Machine, Santa's Sleigh, Two Times Boston, Aaron from the Field, Fancy Dress Party, Tell the Brigade's Fortune,
2.hely: Enchantress Symphony, Deo Volente, Achilles's Weak Point, Darth Vader, Hard Aces, Speed Comet, Miss Hot Royal Attire, Swift Dancer, Deathly Wild Touch, TC Suerte, Devil's Advocate, Hot Espresso Con Panna, How Do You Like Me Now, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
3.hely: Waffen Poison, Last Damsel Galadriel, Mascot Lantern Light, White Chocolate, Shadow of Moonlight, Spectator, Last Kingdom, Celtic Prince, Angry Armada, Davina's Dream, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Guns N' Roses,
1.hely: Last Escort Lady of Holey, Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, Murphy's Law la Damsel, Two Times Boston, Aaron from the Field,
2.hely: Jelly Bean, Hard Aces, Shadow of Moonlight, Silent Killer,
3.hely: I'm Done, Lord of Hel, White Chocolate, Insta Erma, Spain Burg, Van Damme, Devil's Advocate, Hot Espresso Con Panna, Fancy Dress Party,
1.hely: Waffen Poison, Last Sweet Temptation, Ice With Double Whisky, Scenic Stardust, Hard to Face Reality, Davina's Dream, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
2.hely: I'm Done, Genuine Risk, Miss Hot Royal Attire, Swift Dancer, Look at Over, Money Machine, Angry Armada, Materiality,
3.hely: Mascot Lantern Light, White Chocolate, Echo's Prisoner, Speed Comet, Deathly Wild Touch, Critical Prince, Van Damme, Aaron from the Field, Guns N' Roses, Fancy Dress Party,
1.hely: Waffen Poison, White Chocolate, Echo's Prisoner, Speed Comet, Insta Erma, Evening Falls, Leonidas the Spartan, Davina's Dream, Aaron from the Field, Guns N' Roses,
2.hely: Last Damsel Galadriel, Lord of Hel, Mascot Lantern Light, Genuine Risk, Silent Killer, BrainSucker, Critical Prince, Hard to Face Reality, Money Machine, Celtic Prince, Materiality, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne,
3.hely: Court Harwell, I'm Done, Last Escort Lady of Holey, Whitelock, Miss Hot Royal Attire, Look at Over, Van Damme, Devil's Advocate, How Do You Like Me Now, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
Verseny eltt
1.hely: Waffen Poison, Deo Volente, Achilles's Weak Point, Deathly Wild Touch, TC Suerte, Fancy Dress Party, How Do You Like Me Now,
2.hely: Last Damsel Galadriel, Court Harwell, I'm Done, Last Sleepless Night, Last Sweet Temptation, Lord of Hel, Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, White Chocolate, Evening Falls, Davina's Dream, Aaron from the Field, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
3.hely: Enchantress Symphony, Moon's Lighter Face, Last Escort Lady of Holey, Spectator, War Front di Etro, Hard to Face Reality, Celtic Prince, Two Times Boston, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Hot Espresso Con Panna,
Verseny utn
1.hely: Court Harwell, Lord of Hel, Mascot Lantern Light, Whitelock, Leonidas the Spartan, Davina's Dream, Guns N' Roses, Fancy Dress Party, Tell the Brigade's Fortune,
2.hely: Last Sleepless Night, Achilles's Weak Point, Money Machine, Two Times Boston, Aaron from the Field, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne,
3.hely: Last Damsel Galadriel, Enchantress Symphony, Moon's Lighter Face, I'm Done, Last Sweet Temptation, Last Escort Lady of Holey, Hard Aces, BrainSucker, Hot Espresso Con Panna, King of the Secret Land, How Do You Like Me Now, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
1.hely: Speed Comet, Angry Armada, Devil's Advocate, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, How Do You Like Me Now,
2.hely: Court Harwell, Lord of Hel, Achilles's Weak Point, Deathly Wild Touch, Critical Prince, Hard to Face Reality, Tell the Brigade's Fortune,
3.hely: Waffen Poison, I'm Done, Last Escort Lady of Holey, Mascot Lantern Light, Hit the Leopold, Guns N' Roses, Fancy Dress Party,
Vicces kpek
1.hely: I'm Done, Achilles's Weak Point, White Chocolate, Hit the Leopold, Celtic Prince, How Do You Like Me Now, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot,
2.hely: Moon's Lighter Face, Mascot Lantern Light, Ice With Double Whisky, Echo's Prisoner, Genuine Risk, Scenic Black Demon, Look at Over, BrainSucker, Critical Prince, Van Damme, Angry Armada,
3.hely: Waffen Poison, Free Style, Speed Comet, Silent Killer, Devil's Advocate, Materiality, Aaron from the Field, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Guns N' Roses,
Abszolt gyztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 80.000 lp
2. hely: 40.000 lp
3. hely: 20.000 lp