1. hely: Mr. Migratory Comet, Night Elves, Heaven Backwards, Army Soul, Arnica Gris, Venemous Dream, Lord Hiddleston
2. hely: Cotton Onix, Vinnige Story, Comfort Zone, Call Me Maybe, Qazar
3. hely: Freckled Warrior, Sacra Terra, Spain Burg, Donegal Moon, Last Awesome Lucifer
1. hely: Emlék, Heaven's Runner Boy, Stage Dive, Thunder Flower, Northern Trial, Wonderful Wolf of Deep
2. hely: Miss Hot Royal Attire, Living's Evening, Hoffenheim, Devil's Pride, Russian Girl
3. hely: Svartalfheim, Bodhisattva, Tara d'Oro, Pioneer of the Nile, Scharlott's Fox
1. hely: Swift Dancer, Jotunheim, Candy Ride SH, Wild Child, Hades de Norte, Angry Armada, Mystical Princess, Wayward Son with Fortune
2. hely: Broadway Café, Nothing Lasts Forever, Deathly Roger, Leonidas the Spartan, Perfect Illusion, Thunder's Prince
3. hely: Silence Storm, Rising Star SH, Look at Over, Chalsin Miracle, American Promise, Hot Daisy SH, Beneficious da Vida
1. hely: Penészvirág, Free Style, The Echo's Prisoner, Embrace the Evil, Prayer for Relief
2. hely: Darth Vader, GW Sandocan, Prince's Exorcism, Raise a Native
3. hely: Last Chalsin, The Joy of Motion, War Front di Etro, Sugar Devil
Abszolút győztes*: Seville Champion + 1. hely
1. hely: EXCELLENT, 800.000 lp
2. hely: GOOD, 400.000 lp
3. hely: NICE, 200.000 lp