1. hely: Apple Pie, Frosted Witch, Dracula, HighFlyer, Blair, Dreaming Storm Romance
2. hely: The Sun of Winter, Dance for Me, Shiva de Paradise
3. hely: Spat zu Bree, Lexlin's Diva L, Lakisha, Blonde's Dream
1. hely: Nolan D., Dragonfly, King Edward, Crimson War, Harley Davidson, Bob Marley, JigglyPuff, Prince, Irino de la Thor, D. Salvatore, Juilliard d'Egalité, Playboy, Shine Like Hell, Love Dealer, Golden Eye, Cloud Atlas, Corrademus
2. hely: Asgard, Hear Me Roar, Sir Leam des Dauges, Win Willow, Gandalf, Lord Tubbington, Tequila 566, Blandford Double, Little Forest, Migall, Pallas des Chouans, Silver Moon, Bastian, Devil with Golden Wings, Winchester from Hell, Silver Phoenix
3. hely: Mjölnir, Fairytale, Great Harold, Traktor, Sub-Zero, Dare to Dream, Williams, Milagros, Nidavellirr, Crimson Strange, Scooby Doo, Milord des Chouans, Regnant Pegasus, Ghost Town, Burn with Me, Lovely Chicago, Van Heinrich
1. hely: Roaring Winter
2. hely: Dakota Spirit
3. hely: Lunar de Luxe
1. hely: Spat zu Bree, Bob Marley, D. Salvatore, Playboy, Shiva de Paradise
2. hely: Asgard, Traktor, Tequila 566, Scooby Doo, Silver Moon, Lakisha, Cloud Atlas
3. hely: Sub-Zero, HighFlyer, Milagros, Juilliard d'Egalité, Golden Eye
1. hely: Dare to Dream, Crimson War, Dance for Me, Bastian, Ghost Town, Winchester from Hell
2. hely: Nolan D., Frosted Witch, Williams, Nidavellirr, Crimson Strange, Lovely Chicago, Van Heinrich
3. hely: Win Willow, Prince, Irino de la Thor, Migall, Quantum Luxor, Devil with Golden Wings, Corrademus
1. hely: Mjölnir
2. hely: -
3. hely: -
1. hely: Mjölnir, Traktor, Bob Marley, D. Salvatore, Migall, Playboy, Potty von Frutti
2. hely: Frosted Witch, Milagros, Dance for Me, Crimson Strange, Corrademus
3. hely: Nolan D., Sub-Zero, Lexlin's Diva L, Prince, Cloud Atlas
1. hely: Asgard, HighFlyer, Irino de la Thor, Lovely Chicago
2. hely: Sir Leam des Dauges, Milord des Chouans, Van Heinrich
3. hely: Spat zu Bree, Scooby Doo, Bastian, Shiva de Paradise
1. hely: Great Harold, Burn with Me
2. hely: Pallas des Chouans
3. hely: Elfe du Buhot
1. hely: Frosted Witch, D. Salvatore, Bastian
2. hely: JigglyPuff, Nidavellirr, Corrademus
3. hely: Sub-Zero, Milagros, Migall
1. hely: Hear Me Roar, Irino de la Thor, Little Forest
2. hely: Harley Davidson, Bob Marley
3. hely: Fairytale, Golden Eye
1. hely: Asgard, Tequila 566, Migall
2. hely: Mjölnir, Nidavellirr, Playboy
3. hely: Dance for Me, Irino de la Thor
1. hely: Win Willow, Irino de la Thor, Tequila 566, Love Dealer
2. hely: Asgard, Scooby Doo, Shiva de Paradise
3. hely: Bob Marley
1. hely: Frosted Witch, Migall, Van Heinrich
2. hely: Sub-Zero, Irino de la Thor, Playboy, Shiva de Paradise
3. hely: Bob Marley, Dance for Me, Scooby Doo, Lovely Chicago
1. hely: Dragonfly, Blandford Double
2. hely: Nidavellirr, Blonde's Dream
3. hely: Fairytale
Abszolút győztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 800.000 lp
2. hely: 400.000 lp
3. hely: 200.000 lp