1. hely: Something Special, Small Female Horse
2. hely: Spat zu Breee, Frosted Witch
3. hely: Apple Pie, Mud Cake
1. hely: D. Salvatore, Milord des Chouans, Playboy, Sub-Zero, Traktor, Crimson War, Solo Ride, Ice Romolus, Killshot, Destroyer of Hearts
2. hely: Pallas des Chouans, Crimson Strange, Migall, Juilliard d'Egalité, Dare to Dream, Harley Davidson, PS Revense
3. hely: Broken Prince, Scooby Doo, Bob Marley, Win Willow, Sir Leam des Dauges, Great Harold
1. hely: Great Dancing Sunlight
2. hely: Crystal 566
3. hely:
1. hely: Broken Prince, Scooby Doo, Spat zu Breee, Something Special, Bob Marley, Traktor, Dare to Dream
2. hely: Crimson Strange, Playboy, Juilliard d'Egalité, Apple Pie, Sub-Zero, Win Willow, Crimson War, Killshot
3. hely: D. Salvatore, Migall, Frosted Witch, Mud Cake
1. hely: Pallas des Chouans, Playboy, Spat zu Breee, Frosted Witch, Sir Leam des Dauges, Great Harold
2. hely: Milord des Chouans, Crimson Strange, Bob Marley, Traktor, Mud Cake
3. hely: D. Salvatore, Migall, Scooby Doo, Something Special, Sub-Zero
1. hely: Migall, Frosted Witch
2. hely: D. Salvatore, Sub-Zero
3. hely: Something Special
1. hely: Harley Davidson
2. hely: Bob Marley
3. hely: Solo Ride
1. hely: Something Special, Sub-Zero
2. hely: Migall, Ice Romolus
3. hely: Playboy, Frosted Witch
1. hely: Something Special, Win Willow
2. hely: Frosted Witch
3. hely: Scooby Doo, Bob Marley
1. hely: Migall, Scooby Doo, Frosted Witch
2. hely: Playboy, Something Special
3. hely: Bob Marley, Sub-Zero
Abszolút győztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 400.000 lp
2. hely: 200.000 lp
3. hely: 100.000 lp