1.hely: Magic Cornflakes, PN Royal Nostra, Nesquik, Broken Prince
2.hely: Dance for Me, Scent of a Woman
3.hely: Spat zu Bree, Wild Macho
1.hely: Miss Little Black Angel, Dare to Dream, Black Tie Affair, Milord des Chouans
2.hely: Pamina, Van Heinrich
3.hely: -
1.hely: Little Forest of L'amour, Ulando d'Aven, Sub-Zero, Sunny, Fire Ball, Vulcano, D. Salvatore, Juilliard d'Egalite
2.hely: Quintessa du Hubot, Frosted Witch, Great Dancing Sunlight, Migall
3.hely: Prince of Avalon, Tequila 566, Win Willow, Gargantua, Rapunzel, Nostril 566, Scooby Doo
1.hely: JigglyPuff, Lady Mia
2.hely: Lord Tubbington, Apperly High
3.hely: HighFlyer, Mayloo, Sir Leam des Dauges
1.hely: Dracula L'amour, King Edward, Double Dotted Dwarf, Something Special, Solo Ride, Malachi, Galina, Snowflake Revenge, Zorro, Sunny Boy, Silver Phoenix, Glittering Fluffy
2.hely: Lexlin's Diva L, Piebald Milagros, Bob Marley, Silver King, Candyman, Amadeus, Dreaming Storm Romance, Izochor
3.hely: Pick Me Up, Indie, Snowball, Ojos Azules
Cremello, perlino
1.hely: GW Arian's Merlin, Tequila Blanco, Smart Rocker
2.hely: Linvanton Aengus
3.hely: -
1.hely: Dakota Spirit, RR Roaring Winter, San Antonio, Killshot, Crimson Strange
2.hely: PN Cambaron, Harley Davidson, Mr. Brigante, Corrademus
3.hely: Williams Woodstock
1.hely: Dating of Under Armour, Teddy Bear, Playboy
2.hely: PN Blandford Double, Crimson War, Mark of Cain
3.hely: Pallas des Chouans
1.hely: Irino de la Thor, Cataleya
2.hely: Nidavellirr, Traktor
3.hely: -
1.hely: Apple Pie, Great Harold, Silver Sky
2.hely: -
3.hely: -
Abszolút győztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 80.000 lp
2. hely: 40.000 lp
3. hely: 20.000 lp