1.hely: Destino, Calabria Quinn, Momento, Ra's al Ghul, Comme la pére, Favory Szonáta, Cingapura, Gouden Nacht, Gigantesco, Bandolero, Golden Ayse, Arkhimedesz, Iced Camparia Sangria, Spootlight, Ultimately Fabulous, Ebra Emira ibn Gamil, Pendulum, Wicked Dream Cool , Over the Hills and Far Away, Dougless Song, Inner Chains 341
2.hely: Quotenkönig, Diamond Azul, Donna's Lover, Havana Da Janga, Gestor Do Ordec, Golden Heart, Harvey Black, Soprano, Baby G., Ghost River, Unforgottable, Jaspar of Egypt, Mysterieus, Apache Skylight, Flavour May, Amos des Bois
3.hely: Walt Disney, Guapo del Sol, Sorrento Secret, Heart of Fire, Tornado, Ghaska Shah, Batman Returns, Wildfire, Mahir El Rayat, Karabek Anchar, Mary Sue, Captain Eggnog, Allegro MN, Conversano Tulipán, Cupido de la Queen, Nevereverland's King, Donnerhit's Girl
1.hely: Alexander Wang, Liberty de L'Aumont, Lord Fairytale, Oleander, Calimero Breezer, Covered with Chocolate, Devil's Lover, Rosslyn 341, Lupus Fever, El Hierro, Exodus, Maestoso Madame, Buster, Hiding in Shadows, Last Night in Miami, Mischief Managed, Crescendo, Zara d'Argent, Ashes of Love, Coureur des Bois, Sao Paulo, Jatilinda, Pippin
2.hely: La Belle Luna CH, Picasso, Osmunda, Armani Dazante, Nightmare 87, Grey Flanell, Golden Lady, Stella Grey, Snow Freckles, Maestoso Alfaya, Oakland Lynette, Puss in Boots, Discovery of Witches, Elysium, Dante, Static Boy, Bittersweet
3.hely: Harlequin Yobbo, Saturno 341, Distant Melange, Robillard du Roch, Great Gatsby, Gambler, Puerto's Thunder, Fall of Bruttium, Impresario, Apocalipt de Caballo, Hickory Dock
1.hely: Belantis, Johnson TN, Castrol, Lancelot, Murder Nova, Nessy, Blackhawk, Bailey, All At Once, AAN Bimaal, Constelación los Fernando, Comanche, Escolar, Biohazard Z, Blacky Dream, Black Ruby, Cupido Love, La Prise Memories
2.hely: Dream Big, Apocalipt Hibiscus, Random Neighbour, Solfeggietto, Hocuspocus, Astucia de la Paz, Pluto Argosz, Midnight Dancier, Vancouver Onyx, High Pleasure, Santagero MN
3.hely: Cockpit Champ Pro, Syzygy, Caspien von Kapilot, Crazy in Love, Double Dutch, Fagote, Goldhunter
1.hely: PN Cambaron, Aquaholic, Exact Love, Double U, Gargantua, Something Special, Sub-Zero, Frosted Witch, Dare to Dream, Zorro, Galina, Scent of a Woman, Golden Paradise, Red Moon, Dragon Heart, Rebel Yell, Natiello de Paradise, D. Salvatore, Crimson Strange, Playboy, Migall, Scooby Doo, Juilliard d'Egalité, Mark of Cain, Broken Prince, Izochor, Wild Spot, Pallidum, Sudden Succes, Data Wave, Bellatrix, Solitaire Flemenco, Midnight Magic
2.hely: Mivel balfasz voltam és kitöröltem a pónikat, így aki nem találja 1. helyen a lovát írjon be egy, bocsi <3
3.hely: -
Abszolút győztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 80.000 lp
2. hely: 40.000 lp
3. hely: 20.000 lp