1.hely: Harley Davidson, Snowy Harlem, L Divo, Inner Chains 341
2.hely: Solo Ride, Thorin, Jamelia,
3.hely: Bob Marley, Silk Spring,
1.hely: White Squirrel, Diamond Azul, Alaska, Lovely Shadow de Mithology, Covered with Chocolate, Malachi, Bob Marley, Something Special, Chapelure De Pain, Jamelia, Glittering Fluffy, Pip, Iver
2.hely: Exact Love, Bodybuilder, Saturno 341, Sunny, Coolest Guy, Gargantua, Hiding in Shadows, Constelacin los Fernando, Salvador da Bahia, Titanium, Pallidum, Sweet Smoke Revolver
3.hely: Billy Boy, Double U, Freaky Frodo, Win Willow, Frosted Witch, Rebellious Queen, Mary Sue, Jaspar of EGypt, Wild Spot, Data Wave, Bellatrix
1.hely: Exact Love, Alaska, Double U, Sub-Zero, Hidana, AAN Bimaal, Captain Eggnog, Cor de la Bryere, Tungsten W, Royal nCore, Starbust Dynamite, Salvador da Bahia, Titanium, Pip, Pallidum
2.hely: Mini Wunder, Diamond Azul, Malachi, Something Special, Iced Camparia Sangria, Spootlight, Emerald vant Ruytershof, Glittering Fluffy, Wild Spot, Data Wave
3.hely: Armani Dazante, Amor, Lovely Shadow de Mithology, Sunny, Frosted Witch, Allegro MN , Deep Impact, Inner Chains 341, Sweet Smoke Revolver, Iver
1.hely: Mini Wunder, Exact Love, Nessy, Lovely Shadow de Mithology, Ghana de Mithology, Coolest Guy, Frosted Witch, Jasmine, Navana, Golden Ayse, Constelacin los Fernando, Mischief Managed, Zara d'Argent, Migall, Scooby Doo, Pallidum
2.hely: White Squirrel, Alaska, Gargantua, Bob Marley, Altova, Golden Sofia, Wonderful Raven, Mary Sue, Jaspar of EGypt, Diabolical Creature, Inner Chains 341, Salvador da Bahia
3.hely: Covered with Chocolate, Malachi, Phrabat, Ice Romolus, Jamelia, Playboy
1.hely: Mini Wunder, Billy Boy, Giorgio Armani, Bodybuilder, Rioghan Rua, Faerie Dianimo, Toy Story, Bob Marley, Karabek Anchar, Valeroso Ibn La'Ahad, Captain Eggnog, Mary Sue, Mischief Managed, Diabolical Creature, Zara d'Argent, Gaudanam, Time Expired, Mighty Highlight, Migall, Scooby Doo
2.hely: Exact Love, Alaska, Vasilly de Lassos, Calimero Breezer, Freaky Frodo, Sub-Zero, Frosted Witch, Vangelios, Blue Diamond, It's My Playground, Long Island, Touch the Sun, Banshee, Playboy
3.hely: White Squirrel, Armani Dazante, Cosmos de Centaur, Covered with Chocolate, Dashynia, Iced Camparia Sangria, Double W, Ready One
1.hely: Amor, Alaska, Wonderwall Carmen, Huck's Chucky, Snowy Harlem, Jamelia,
1.hely: Classic Pyro, Gloryhammer, Weak Fantasy, AAN Bimaal, Champagne Ptillant, Najat al Saheeb, Kiawa Kiss
2.hely: Cocain Baron, Nadeem Alaa Quasim, Talk Derby To Me, Tyrell de Charmain
3.hely: Yasman Sonata, Voice in the Wind, Al Spartacus de Mitholgy,
1.hely: Szofi, Romolus, Charmagedon,
2.hely: Faith
1.hely: Pyro Annabelle W, Shadow Samba W, Herondale de Charmain, The Stone Logan, Jaspar of EGypt, Lovely Hakarim
2.hely: Diamond Azul, Bodybuilder, Fault Line, Pyro Hakarim W
3.hely: Psyche Schar Hakarim, Vangelios, Hero de Mithology
1.hely: Cuddy, Beneficious da Vida, Light Brigade, Chalsin's Breakout, Last Legendary Rotta, Srknyvirg,
2.hely: Perfect Illusion, Angrove Pilgrim, Perfect Kingdom, Miss StormChaser, Shadow of Yharnam,
3.hely: Pure Soul, Angrove Fatrascal,
Egyb - sznhzs
1.hely: Bolero, Taneleer Teevan, Crag Daniels
2.hely: King in the Mirror, Iver
Egyb - lovaspl, gyessgi
1.hely: Diamond Azul, Painted Ballerina,
Abszolt gyztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 100.000 lp
2. hely: 50.000 lp
3. hely: 25.000 lp