Havas küllem
1.hely: Lorenzo, Johnny Walker, Last Resort, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Make a Memory, Chico de Luxe, Morte de Paradise, Stoffl, Tragedy, Pumpkin Spice, Presley, Grey Top, Death Sensation, Love Song, Tuxedo W, Shaklan ibn Saskatoon, Wonderful Raven, PN Little Chex to Cash, Suicide Decision, RR Secret Eye, RR Victory Decision, Magical Boy, Marvellous Chester, R Khasper, PN Last Brave, Argentino VIII., GW Blacky Bon Jovi, Master Mind, Dirty Harry, GW Arian's Merlin, Irino de la Thor, Dakota Spirit, Mary Sue, Ulinomate Rose, Ventello
2.hely: Magic Song, Wheemhoeve's Marko, Rebel's Angel, Counting Stars, Nashville, Zodiac, Rock Mafia, Hell of Dante, Supreme Sensation, Esthajnal, Salem Doc Northern, RR Spook Whiz Warlord, Winnie the Boo, Chocolate Gold Strike, Amadeo I, Mal'ak, Severum, Sudden Success, Kal-El de Fly, Tequila Sunrise, Demetrius, White Orient, Deadly Revenge d'Asories, Nidavellirr, Indie, Solar Flare, Evening Attire
3.hely: Raised by Wolves, Alfonso, A Beautiful Lie, Royal Occasion, Baron von Graphite, Skovens Rafael, Falco, Rubio, Gunners Star, RR Summer Honor, Fly Angel in Hollywood, Kitana X, Democratic Prince, Symbol Song, Lexlin's Diva L, PN Blandford Double
Karácsonyos beöltözős küllem
1.hely: Last Resort, Casper, Peppy Kat, Alfonso, Chico de Luxe, GW Golden Sunset, Youngblood de Paradise, Pumpkin Spice, Falco, Secret's River, The Offshore Account, Chocolate Never Lies, RR Shining Victory, Shining Miracle in Rain, Amadeo I, Marvellous Chester, Double Dotted Dwarf, Mary Sue
2.hely: Da Vinci Gold, Vassal du Val, Grey Top, Wonderful Raven, Spook Gunner, Suicide Decision, RR Victory Decision
3.hely: Blue Tinka Tilia, Xayah the Star Guardian
Abszolút győztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 80.000 lp
2. hely: 40.000 lp
3. hely: 20.000 lp