1.hely: Boîte de Pandore, Cazadora TGW, Maestoso Madame, Emocao
2.hely: Oro de Barro, Cosmopolitan, Special Chance, Nightwish,
3.hely: Avelina D'ior, Hairy Dama, Special Identity, Goiana
1.hely: Biohazard Z, Bolero los Fernando, El Chocolate, Blacky Rise Glory, Fiscardo di Regulo, Prayer van R., Saturno 341, Rubico Prime, Devoro los Pyramid, Carvalho de Italiano, El Dorado, Blacky 'Cappella, Kiss from a Rose 341, Schwarz von Nassau, Neapolitano Bomba, Conversano Mallorn, Supermassive Light, Dender of Valhalla T., Vittorio, Sand' Altivo Boy, Faberge MVL, Xicot II, Inner Chains 341, Tendence Mazochiste, Calypso, Black Affair van R., Avalon,
2.hely: Moscow Mule, Bandalero, La Sombra, Sraphic Cry, Prime Evil, Fürst Love, Pluto Platán, Sacramoso Ecobara, Rayo de Humeante, El Hierro, Sevill los Pyramid, Mouth of Sauron, Belfegor, Astucia de la Paz, Affair van R., Eric van Roarland, Maestoso Alfaya, Tulipan XVI. Zintos, Desert Rain, Doubloon, Last Dream of the Storm, Fuego del Desierto, Gurubashi Berserker, Black Tys'son, Girassol DR, Pippin, Darius de Azevedo, Daiquiri, Floris,
3.hely: Mysterieus, Reyes, Demonio do Céu, Invictus de Seraente, Favory Ficsúr, Great Black Boy, Impacto, Nightmare 87, Solfeggietto, Fall of Bruttium, Sol Aulendil, Sol Adoro, Falcao, Exodus, Nautilus KTR, Altivo El Ray, Favory Mufurc, Incitato Curioso, Supermassive Argent, Daedalos, Beware of Me, Odin's Raven, Zamarno, Bariloche, Black Ruby, Apophis XIV.,
1.hely: Ebony, Maestoso Titán, Pluto Marina, Favory Citrus
2.hely: Pluto Agavé, Mousse du Parasis T, Conversano Gaelan
3.hely: Make Great Again, Arsenic los Fernando
1.hely: Biohazard Z, Reyes, La Sombra, Espada, Invictus de Seraente, Fürst Love, Pluto Platán, Rayo de Humeante, Solfeggietto, Fall of Bruttium, Mouth of Sauron, Sol Aulendil, Belfegor, Exodus, Hairy Dama, Affair van R., Schwarz von Nassau, Incitato Curioso, Conversano Mallorn, Special Identity, Supermassive Argent, Beware of Me, Vittorio, Gurubashi Berserker, Handsome Devil, Odin's Raven, Bariloche, Pippin, Black Ruby, Darius de Azevedo, Black Affair van R.,
2.hely: Mysterieus, Bandalero, Oro de Barro, Demonio do Céu, Blacky Rise Glory, Great Black Boy, Saturno 341, Nightmare 87, Devoro los Pyramid, Carvalho de Italiano, Sol Adoro, Astucia de la Paz, Kiss from a Rose 341, Maestoso Alfaya, Neapolitano Bomba, Maestoso Madame, Doubloon, Daedalos, Dender of Valhalla T., Fuego del Desierto, Faberge MVL, Black Tys'son, Inner Chains 341, Girassol DR, Tendence Mazochiste, Floris, Apophis XIV.,
3.hely: Bolero los Fernando, Cazadora TGW, El Chocolate, Sraphic Cry, Favory Ficsúr, Sacramoso Ecobara, Rubico Prime, Cosmopolitan, El Hierro, Sevill los Pyramid, El Dorado, Falcao, Blacky 'Cappella, Eric van Roarland, Altivo El Ray, Favory Mufurc, Tulipan XVI. Zintos, Special Chance, Supermassive Light, Last Dream of the Storm, Sand' Altivo Boy, Emocao, Xicot II, Zamarno, Daiquiri, Avalon,
1.hely: Demonio do Céu, Favory Mufurc, Calypso,
2.hely: Pluto Platán, Conversano Mallorn, Daiquiri,
3.hely: Mouth of Sauron, Inner Chains 341, Floris,
1.hely: Blacky Rise Glory, Dender of Valhalla T.,
2.hely: Blacky 'Cappella, Conversano Mallorn,
3.hely: Kiss from a Rose 341, Vittorio, Inner Chains 341,
1.hely: Cosmopolitan, Inner Chains 341,
2.hely: Belfegor, Black Tys'son, Odin's Raven,
3.hely: Supermassive Light, Calypso, Floris,
1.hely: El Chocolate, Saturno 341, Carvalho de Italiano, Last Dream of the Storm,
2.hely: Demonio do Céu, Solfeggietto, Falcao, Daedalos, Gurubashi Berserker,
3.hely: Prime Evil, Rayo de Humeante, Supermassive Argent,
1.hely: Maestoso Madame, Calypso,
2.hely: Inner Chains 341,
1.hely: El Chocolate, Mouth of Sauron, Daiquiri,
2.hely: Rayo de Humeante, Nightwish,
Abszolút győztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 80.000 lp
2. hely: 40.000 lp
3. hely: 20.000 lp