1.hely: Sigyn's Nation, Shiseido Zen, Pryme Ibn Gamil, Ode to the Flower, Szélrózsa, Fortune Girl, Tribute to Enzo, Rayie Hab'bat, Shadow Alaa Quasim, False Compass, Tsaila d'Asories, Kestrel, Badger Angel, Rever da Vida, Badger Queen, Miss Emma Jericho, California Poppy, Lovely Diamond, WH Shaklina Ma'ruf, Tulipán Cassablanka, Chinatown, Crazy Spook Warlord, Eida, Boemil Double Asset, Primrose, Kleopátra, Legend of Silvana, Buried Under Fire
2.hely: Vanilla Rose, Perfect Shot, Golden Bonfire, Guess, Skygge van Rivendell, Shahnil, Golding d'Arsouilles, Sunrise de Champagne, Secret Harpy de Mithology, Portherlight W, Just in Thyme, Moody Duchess, Spanish Royal Armada, Naja de Mithology, Miss Golddigger, Kha'zix Viola, Psyche ibn Gamil, Wonder SVL, Portokalli, Glory Zone, Dance of the Druids, Khadidja ibn Psyche, Poison Ivy, Safiya, Nala Ibn La'Ahad, Nebula, RedHell Emily, Hot Gangster Doll
3.hely: Bedtime Story, Dark Daisy, Cabernet Sauvignon, Saveur de Rhum, Brooklyn, Luminescape, Amore de Charmain, True Joy, Golden Fire, Aga Clandirma, WH Mithashya W, Golden Heartfire, Toy Souffle', PN Korona Szépség, Fire Bottle, Little MissFortune, RR Colonels Shining Heart, Blue Marine, Pyromaniac W El Rayat, Aber Lotus, Shakid Kiss, Ganesha de Mithology, Lucky Holy, Pluto Marina, Greanada of Shadow, Gingerbread, Silver's Fortuna
1.hely: Light of the Seven, Whisky Priest, Deathly Heart, Lichtblick El Rayat, Privileged Stone, Melkor RS, Spicy Sparks, Fatal Memory, Gioni, Painted Indian, SF Wonder of Desert W, Legendary Falcadoro, Conqueror, Deep Kim Lover, Aldapear, RR Mighty Rays, Ri'ari, Infernal de Fandango, Dear Spartan Damsel, Bey Shahs de Mithology, Painted Battlecry, Hakarim Thyme W, Karaman Keik, Silk Psyche, Lord of the Flies, Kharamel, Saturno, Mahogany, Spooky Kamikaze of a Gun, Road of Anger, Esazia, Saturnino, Royal Chamber, Corrassus, Valhalla, Triggered by Chaos, Scenic Sunrise, Piaff Eagle W, Missing Dice, Lord Roderick, Ghost in the Shell
2.hely: Cadeau Noir, Evening in Shibuya, Pandemonium, Vivacity de Mithology, Le Chevalier, Delegado II., Wayward Son, Darling M'lord, Remember the Name, Szaturnusz, Daiquiri Ibn Gamil, Zapperlott, Vattenfall, SF Dark night, Psylk Nova, RR Touch Top Shock, Dol-Guldúr, Damsel's Sacred Point, PN Puerto's Freak, Sacred Harwell, Gris Baron, Apocalypse Orchidea, Asgard de Mithology, Silver Keik, Millenium Joe, Sovereign W de Champagne, Don Fleming, Vandalier Brigade, Thyme Lights, Radicals Extra Watt, Incitato Mánor, Ornament XIV., Incitatus, Toxic Dream, Man in the Mirror, Obviously Straight, Toxic Alaa Quasim, Magic El Rayat, Shaklanma, Skellige
3.hely: Marvellus van R., Sweet Bandit, Essence of Samael, Lawhata Ibn La'Ahad, Don Pepe, Monday Mirage, Polar Express, Emblem Ice, Dorian Grey de Mithology, Hakim, Café Froid, Vico H, You 're My Dream, Epic de Charmain, Golden Katar de Mithology, Kasirga Kimse, Pyro Hakarim de Cayak, Prince of Pop, Blackcurrant Brandy, Demons r a Girls best Friend, Protector of Realm, Devilishly Handsome, Hakarim de Mithology, Golden Khan, Satan's Lie, Melar Keik, Classic Island, Dom Keik, Dancing St. Pr. V, Shotta Flow, Rhocka Billy, Bombastic La Rotta, Ymir, Outbreaking Gris, Isildur, Smooth Shore, Martial V, Magic Boomer, Essence of Stardust, Butterscotch Ibn La'Mualim, Rose's Thorn, Aber Waterfall, Balada
Abszolút győztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 80.000 lp
2. hely: 40.000 lp
3. hely: 20.000 lp