1.hely: Don Pepe, Black Sea Pirate, Gold Edition, Dark Dot
2.hely: Shiseido Zen, Malone's Hell, Tanorra, Windsong Abyss of Time
3.hely: Sorrento Secret, Colorado Hans, Celbidas Interagro, Beware of Me
1.hely: Like This, Fortune Cookie, Carousel, Puerto's Sapphire, Aerosmith of L'amour
2.hely: Gelinia van Kairos, Let Me Be Free, Fornet Origin, Defender of Valhalla T.
3.hely: Aber Mortar, Hidden Treasure, 55 Cancri E, Berserker
1.hely: All At Once, Biosynthesis, Take a Dream, Pablo los Fernando
2.hely: Fuerst Grande, Marco Polo del'Achor, Antonidas
3.hely: Fuerst Magic, Paraterm VIII., Siglavy Capriola Fülöp
1.hely: Stormy Night, Lady Leona, Top Queen H, Classic Thunderbolt
2.hely: Harvey Dent, Bavarottia C, Flanissimo, Zodiac de Luxe
3.hely: Polar Express, Dating, Mushroom
Abszolút győztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 80.000 lp
2. hely: 40.000 lp
3. hely: 20.000 lp