Kizárva: Marie - Later Bitches: nem kaptam képet néhány kategóriába (felvezetős nyereggel, fürdetős test)
- Ferrari (takarós kategóriába egészalakos kellett nem fejkép)
1.hely: Classic Ending, Essence of Diabolus, Pardon M'lord, Diabolus Achilles, Essence of Wonder, Living's Violin Key, Living's Candy Angel, Sincere Isaias, Damsel's Sacred Point, Later Bitches, The Pirate's Skull, Liberty, Blairvado, Valhalla, Deathly Waffen, Royal Charmer, HeartStealer, Goodbye Kiss, Pioneer of Damsel
2.hely: Houston, we have a problem, Nobleman of Grace, Emblem Time, Bitches N' Roses, Living the Spartan, Kanthaka, Weather Wiz, Proudful Pra/ince, Tara's Lost Stuff, Nana, Just a Dream, Succor the Devil, Enzo, Symbol of Peace, Karmically, Hidden Honor, Darling M'lord, It's Evening M'lord, Valhalla Calling Me
3.hely: Social Network, Bitcorn, White Shark, Northern Spin, Unique of the Nile, Speed it Over, Lost in the Evening, Living The Hope II., Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, His Eminence, Ferrari, California Star, Probably Nothing, Infernal Daisy, Royal Evening, Sweet Harmony de la Lande, Deathly Hallows
Felvezetős nyereggel
1.hely: Social Network, Essence of Diabolus, Diabolus Achilles, Unique of the Nile, Lost in the Evening, His Eminence, Just a Dream, Blairvado, Valhalla Calling Me
2.hely: Classic Ending, Bitcorn, White Shark, Pardon M'lord, Northern Spin, Essence of Wonder, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, California Star,
3.hely: Houston, we have a problem, Nobleman of Grace, Money Machine, Living the Spartan, Tara's Lost Stuff, Ferrari, Probably Nothing,
Felvezetős lovassal
1.hely: Classic Ending, Bitcorn, White Shark, Northern Spin, Bitches N' Roses, Living's Violin Key, Flashbacks, Weather Wiz, Nana, Later Bitches, Ferrari, California Star, Blairvado, Royal Charmer, Poison De'Vent, Deathly Hallows
2.hely: Social Network, Nobleman of Grace, Unique of the Nile, Living the Spartan, Living The Hope II., Sincere Isaias, His Eminence, Just a Dream, Probably Nothing, Symbol of Peace, Infernal Daisy, Royal Evening
3.hely: Essence of Diabolus, Pardon M'lord, Diabolus Achilles, Lost in the Evening, Kanthaka, Living's Candy Angel, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, The Pirate's Skull, Hidden Honor, Valhalla Calling Me
1.hely: Essence of Wonder, Blairvado, Enzo, Darling M'lord
2.hely: Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Royal Evening
3.hely: Ferrari, California Star, Symbol of Peace,
Fürdetős test
1.hely: Flashbacks, Sincere Isaias, The Pirate's Skull, Infernal Daisy
2.hely: Bitcorn, Weather Wiz, Nana, It's Evening M'lord, Deathly Hallows
3.hely: Classic Ending, His Eminence, Valhalla Calling Me
Fürdetős fej
1.hely: White Shark, Nobleman of Grace, Kanthaka, Weather Wiz, Sincere Isaias, Ferrari, Valhalla Calling Me, Deathly Hallows
2.hely: Classic Ending, Emblem Time, Living The Hope II., The Pirate's Skull, Succor the Devil, HeartStealer
3.hely: Bitcorn, Pardon M'lord, Living's Violin Key, Flashbacks,
Vicces kép
1.hely: Classic Ending, Bitcorn, Northern Spin, Unique of the Nile, Sincere Isaias, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Valhalla Calling Me
2.hely: Essence of Diabolus, Pardon M'lord, Money Machine, Living's Candy Angel, Ferrari, The Pirate's Skull, Darling M'lord
3.hely: Nobleman of Grace, Diabolus Achilles, Kanthaka, Weather Wiz, Just a Dream, Probably Nothing,
1.hely: Houston, we have a problem, Nobleman of Grace, Money Machine, Lost in the Evening, Proudful Pra/ince, Just a Dream, The Pirate's Skull, Symbol of Peace, Darling M'lord, Deathly Hallows
2.hely: Social Network, White Shark, Bitches N' Roses, Speed it Over, Living The Hope II., Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Deathly Waffen, Pioneer of Damsel--
3.hely: Classic Ending, Bitcorn, Northern Spin, Essence of Wonder, Flashbacks, Weather Wiz, Liberty, It's Evening M'lord, Valhalla Calling Me
Fejküllem kantár
1.hely: Houston, we have a problem, White Shark, Diabolus Achilles, Speed it Over, Living the Spartan, Living The Hope II., Kanthaka, Sincere Isaias, Damsel's Sacred Point, Nana, Ferrari, Probably Nothing, Succor the Devil, Darling M'lord, It's Evening M'lord, Pioneer of Damsel
2.hely: Classic Ending, Essence of Diabolus, Pardon M'lord, Northern Spin, Money Machine, Lost in the Evening, Flashbacks, Weather Wiz, Proudful Pra/ince, Tara's Lost Stuff, Just a Dream, The Pirate's Skull, Liberty, Blairvado, Sweet Harmony de la Lande, HeartStealer, Deathly Hallows
3.hely: Social Network, Bitcorn, Nobleman of Grace, Unique of the Nile, Bitches N' Roses, Living's Violin Key, Living's Candy Angel, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, His Eminence, Later Bitches, California Star, Enzo, Symbol of Peace, Poison De'Vent, Valhalla Calling Me
Fejküllem kötőfék
1.hely: Social Network, Essence of Diabolus, Pardon M'lord, Northern Spin, Money Machine, Lost in the Evening, Flashbacks, Weather Wiz, Proudful Pra/ince, Later Bitches, California Star, The Pirate's Skull, Liberty, Symbol of Peace, Deathly Waffen, Karmically, Royal Evening, Goodbye Kiss, Valhalla Calling Me, Deathly Hallows
2.hely: Houston, we have a problem, Bitcorn, Diabolus Achilles, Unique of the Nile, Speed it Over, Living's Violin Key, Sincere Isaias, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Ferrari, Probably Nothing, Valhalla, Hidden Honor, Royal Charmer, Poison De'Vent
3.hely: Classic Ending, White Shark, Nobleman of Grace, Bitches N' Roses, Essence of Wonder, Living The Hope II., Kanthaka, Tara's Lost Stuff, His Eminence, Nana, Succor the Devil, Blairvado, Infernal Daisy, Darling M'lord, It's Evening M'lord
Fejküllem szabadon
1.hely: Pardon M'lord, Bitches N' Roses, His Eminence, Just a Dream, Goodbye Kiss
2.hely: White Shark, Unique of the Nile, Sincere Isaias, Ferrari, Valhalla
3.hely: Houston, we have a problem, Living the Spartan, The Pirate's Skull, Deathly Waffen
1.hely: Houston, we have a problem, Classic Ending, Speed it Over, Living the Spartan, Living's Violin Key, Living's Candy Angel, Damsel's Sacred Point, Tara's Lost Stuff, Ferrari, Probably Nothing, Enzo, Infernal Daisy, Karmically, Royal Charmer, Sweet Harmony de la Lande
2.hely: Social Network, Bitcorn, Nobleman of Grace, Northern Spin, Essence of Wonder, Kanthaka, Sincere Isaias, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Nana, Just a Dream, The Pirate's Skull, Deathly Waffen, Darling M'lord, Deathly Hallows
3.hely: Essence of Diabolus, White Shark, Pardon M'lord, Money Machine, Lost in the Evening, Flashbacks, Weather Wiz, Proudful Pra/ince, His Eminence, Later Bitches, California Star, Liberty, Royal Evening, Pioneer of Damsel
1.hely: Social Network, Essence of Diabolus, Unique of the Nile, Lost in the Evening, Flashbacks, His Eminence, Just a Dream, Ferrari, Pioneer of Damsel, Deathly Hallows
2.hely: Classic Ending, White Shark, Pardon M'lord, Speed it Over, Living The Hope II., Weather Wiz, Later Bitches, The Pirate's Skull, Valhalla Calling Me
3.hely: Bitcorn, Northern Spin, Bitches N' Roses, Essence of Wonder, Kanthaka, Living's Candy Angel, Sincere Isaias, It's Evening M'lord
Abszolút győztes*: ELITE + 1. hely
1. hely: 100.000 lp
2. hely: 50.000 lp
3. hely: 25.000 lp